About action games

The story of video games is not old, but the heyday started only with the launch of Space Invaders. Henceforth more and more subgenre was appearing (e. g. fighting games, shooter games, platformers and pugnacious games), wich had different game mechanics, but one think was same, each was accentuating the physical challanges, like hand-eye coordination and reaction time. The most popular action games are shooter games, wich has more types, and the most popular shooter type is FPS (First Person Shooter). These games are generally in 3D format, but there are excepts. The essence of FPS is, that players see the game from the protagonist’s point of view, and we must kill all the enemys, on account of we become points, or it helps us to go forward in the story. Usually we have a vitality band, and if it runs out, that means game over. Of course nowadays the games are different than 20 years ago, and contains many extras, but the basics, and goals are same, and maybe that makes it so popular in single plaryer mode,where we go through a strory line and also in multiplayer mode where only the kills, and earned points matter.



  • Boosts reflex, increases hearing, and eyesight

  • Improve our precision

  • Developes decision-maker ability in crisis situations

  • Awsome experience in singleplayer mode, and also in multiplayer mode

  • Even we can learn from the storys, because sometimes the games process real events (e. g. WW1, WW2)

  • We can end a game fast, and it is easy to learn the control

  • Multiplayer FPS increases teamwork skills


  • These games are often violent, of course there are games where brutal scenes are censored, or cover with something funny, so younger age group can also play it

  • It’s not for all age groups, usually it’s not for youngs (age limit ca 12 years)

  • Without parental control exaggerated game time increases act of aggression


FPS increases our reflexes, and offers nice experience, but it’s easy to go to extremes, so dayli 1-2 ours playing is recommended. If we feel us a bit slow in this running world, try to play an FPS game, it will in any case boost our performance



  • Battlefield 1
  • Call of Duty series

    Single Player

  • Doom series
  • Far Cry series
  • Wolfenstein series